Step 1) Make sure you understand how to run an edited dynamic0.mul.q file
Step 2) Open dynamic0.mul.q with notepad and locate the Avatar (use notepad's Find option).
- Result of GSAR & Notepad.jpg (48.24 KiB) Viewed 5826 times
Step 3) Edit
To become a Lady 3 things need to change.
1. change your fame to 10000
2. change your type from 400 to 401 (this gives you a female look)
3. add a "sex=1" line
This last step is important because without it you will have breasts but you would still be a male. Your title would read "Lord Avatar" etc. Also, this step demonstrates a storage optimazation done by the save code inside the core. If a variable's value is 0 it will be not saved to file. A male's sex value is 0 and that's why you're not seeing it in the original dynamic0.mul.q file.
Step 4) Save & Test
- Lady Avatar.jpg (125.1 KiB) Viewed 5826 times